Poetry Prompts for Any Day
Originally written for students as challenge assignments, these prompts now function as reminders of how to write a poem on any day. Take...

Dark Oak Bindery
Participating in arts brings potential for ekphrasis, inspiration. In that spirit, Christine Darragh of Dark Oak Bindery in Ann Arbor,...

"Times of Day with William Stafford"
"Stafford’s mission is a quiet but essential one: make sense in a language we all can speak." My craft essay containing day-to-day...

"Prosody and Being Equal to Life" in North American Review
"Poetry asks us to transcribe emotional experience with syntax, and we can only do so by listening to the world around us and by trusting...

Coker Creek Writer's Retreat
I had the opportunity recently to attend a retreat deep in the Cherokee National Forest. Three others and I gave readings, offered...